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Bar Charts configuration


Project or saved filter

Choose a project or saved filter, which will form the data basis for the chart.

Field for x-axis

Choose the field that will form the x-axis of the chart.

Field for y-axis

Choose the field that will form the y-axis of the chart.

Group issues by the following field:

Choose the field after which the issues will be grouped. If you do now want to group issues, select “Nothing”.

Sort bar charts

Bar charts will be sorted based on the values of the first selected project or filter in the selected order.

Chart height

Specify the height of the chart (in pixel).

Show data as formatted table below chart

When enabled, additionally shows the data of the chart as a formatted table below the chart.

Show x-axis values not present in the data

When enabled, also shows values in the chart (and the data table) that are currently not present in the issues that form the data basis for the chart.

Refresh interval

Specify the refresh interval of the gadget to reload the issues.

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