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Bar Charts configuration


For custom fields from third-party plugins, the standard procedure is that we take into account the custom field type from the REST API, then display it accordingly in our gadget.

In the case where the field is not supported, we use a fallback mechanism for value retrieval that prints a string representation as we do not currently offer any transformation functions.

If you’re having trouble with a plugin that is not working well with the bar charts gadget, please open a support ticket via our Service Desk and we will get back to you promptly.

Project or saved filter

Choose a project or saved filter which will be used to retrieve the issues displayed in the chart.

Domain axis

Choose the field which should determine the domain axis.

Group issues by

Choose the field issues should be grouped by.

Chart height

Specify the height of the chart (in pixel).

Show data table

When enabled, shows the data of the chart in an additional table.

Font size

Specify the font size of the data table (in pixel).

Refresh interval

Specify the refresh interval of the gadget.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.