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Multivote & Enterprise Survey for Confluence Documentation

Why Multivote & Enterprise Survey for Confluence?


Organizing and managing meetings, workshops or events for colleagues and customers can be a time consuming hassle. Multivote & Enterprise Survey for Confluence is meant to ease this pain by offering an easy way to create, manage and use dynamic surveys.

The app allows you to use dynamic questions. That means the questions available for users depend on their answers to previous questions. For example, if you are planning a workshop and a participant arrives on Saturday, they do not need to choose something from the dinner menu on Friday. Consequently, it might be helpful if this question does not even show up for this user. This makes answering surveys really fast and planning events more effective.

As you will see, the app is easy to set up, handle and use as there are no programming skills needed.

Running on Confluence, each voter is associated with a user account and can easily change their answers - at least as long as the survey is open. If organizational details (like a hotel booking) are binding, you can freeze all the answers by closing the survey. Thus, no last minute changes will get you by surprise while still all users can see their chosen options (read-only).

You want to remind your participants to complete the survey or contact all participants for an update? Conveniently send an email to all participants or only those who still have to complete the survey.

So, why Multivote & Enterprise Survey for Confluence? Because it's a fast, easy, efficient and dynamic way to get input from your team.

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