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Submit a vote

Voting in surveys

Survey voters can answer survey questions once the survey is open. Just enter your answers and click the “Complete“ button for your answer to be processed.

You can see the title and a description defined by the survey manager, which should give you a hint on what to expect in this survey. Additionally, the icons in the top right corner indicate the state of the survey. By hovering over the icons, you can get an explanation of their meaning. By clicking the “Personal settings“ button you can set the language of the survey.

Survey voters can only submit their answers when the survey is open. Surveys that are closed can no longer accept any answers.

Once your answer was processed successfully you will be informed about it and you can view and change your answer if you like. However, when you voted in an anonymous survey you will not be able to see and change your answer anymore.

Note that individual votes made within “non-anonymous” surveys can be viewed by survey managers and survey analysts.

Anonymous surveys

Votes within surveys set as “Anonymous” are private. Survey managers and survey analysts cannot see which answer was submitted by a specific participant. To be fully anonymous we do not store any connection between the user and his answers. Therefore, it is not possible to see or even change your answer in anonymous surveys.

In anonymous surveys it is not possible to change your submission. Double check your answer before submitting.

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