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Migration path


Automated migration is not possible at the moment.

You can save your data using CSV export in the Server / Data Center version.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer an automated migration path for Multivote macros at the moment, as Atlassian is currently not providing a way to support this for Forge apps.

However, there is an open issue covering this topic, so we would appreciate votes there so that this blocker will be removed as soon as possible and we will be able to provide an automated solution.

After migrating from Confluence Server / Data Center, your old Multivote macros can no longer be used. However, the options can still be seen in the legacy editor. After converting the page to the new editor, you can create a new Multivote macro in Cloud.

If you want to save the data of a Multivote, we recommend to use the CSV export in the Server or Data Center version before migrating to Cloud.


Automated migration is not possible at the moment.

You can save your data using the “Download answers” possibility in the Server / Data Center version.

Unfortunately, we cannot offer an automated migration path for Survey macros at the moment, as Atlassian is currently not providing a way to support this for Forge apps.

However, there is an open issue covering this topic, so we would appreciate votes there so that this blocker will be removed as soon as possible and we will be able to provide an automated solution.

After migrating from Server / Data Center, your old Survey macros can no longer be used.

If you want to save the data of an Enterprise Survey, we recommend to use the “Download answers” possibility in the Server / Data Center version before migrating to Cloud.

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