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I'm a Confluence administrator

Confluence administrators have the possibility to set some global settings.

The “Multivote & Enterprise Survey“ settings are located in the Confluence settings within the “Atlassian Marketplace” menu item.

You will then see a global settings page, which enables setting some defaults for all surveys located in this Confluence instance.






Specify which theme is used to display the surveys. Currently there is Classic and Modern with some optical differences.

Classic theming is deprecated and might be dropped in a future release.

Designer mode

The default designer mode when creating a new survey. Note that each user can overwrite this option with the preferred behavior of the user.

Survey managers

A default list of Confluence groups and users which will be added to each created survey in the role of a survey manager.

Eligible participants

A default list of Confluence groups and users which will be added to each created survey in the role of a possible voter.

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