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Change my preferred language

All users can choose the language in which the survey should be displayed for them.

To change the language used in the survey, click on the Personal settings button. Afterwards, you can choose the language from the drop-down.

Screenshot from 2024-04-19 10-48-19.png

Changing the language immediately change the language of the displayed survey below. Once a different language is chosen, the “Set as my global default” button can be clicked to prefer that language for all surveys.

Screenshot from 2024-04-19 10-48-41.png

Further notes on the languages:

  • Automatically detected language = the language we detect from your browser

  • Default language of the survey = the default language chosen by the survey creator

  • Languages listed under “Available for this survey“ are supported by the survey creator

  • Selecting a not supported language will use the surveys default language for display

Choosing a specific language as default will use the surveys default language as fallback in case the specific language is not supported

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