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Survey migration limitations

  • When migrating survey data, all survey data is always migrated. This means that if you migrate space A, adapt the survey in the cloud, and then migrate space B, the data in the cloud will be overwritten. We therefore recommend to first migrate all spaces, and migrate all survey data in a seperate step. We therefore recommend to migrate survey data only once! In case you want to migrate a single survey individually, see troubleshooting section.

  • Responses by deleted users will be dropped.

  • Surveys could loose all configured survey managers when all of the configured users and groups were deleted on the source instance. However, as all Confluence administrators can access the definitions, they can fix it if necessary.

  • Responses from users not migrated to the cloud will be shown, the user itself will be shown as 'suspended'.

  • Very large surveys (>240kB, excluding responses of participants) are currently not supported in the cloud and their data cannot be migrated. See troubleshooting section.

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