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Adding cached translations to the search index of Confluence

When configuring Next Generation Translator for Confluence, it is possible to check the option to add cached translations to Confluence' search index.

After checking or unchecking the checkbox and saving the changes it is recommended to run a full re-index of Conflunce such that the changes are reflected. The feature integrates with Confluence’s indexing functionality. So, enabling the feature requires to re-build the index. From that point on, changes are reflected on-the-fly like it is known from the search index.

How is the search index modified?

We apply the following modifications with our extractor whenever a page shall be indexed by Confluence and the feature is turned on:

  • We check for cached translations given the page title and content, i.e., all translations to all languages that are currently present in the database (the cache). A translation is present if a user translated a page at some point in time. All parts of the page that have not changed since then, are still cached and valid.

  • If there are cached translations available, we perform the following logic for indexing the page title and the page content.

Page titles in the search index

We modify the indexed, but not visible preview title of the page in the search index by appending all cached translations of the title to the original title.


  • We have the following cached translations for the page with title “Hello World”: “Hallo Welt”, “Hallo verden”.

  • We can find the page by searching for “Hallo Welt” or for “Hallo verden”.

  • However, the page title will still show as “Hello World” in Confluence’s search window. This is an explicit design decision to avoid that the title gets too long if there are many translations and to avoid confusion in case translations are not accurate.


Page content in the search index

We modify the indexed and the visible preview of the page in the search index by appending all cached translations of parts of the page to the original page content.


  • We have the following cached translation for the page with content “This is just a test page.”: “Das ist nur eine Testseite.”.

  • We can find the page by searching for “Testseite”.

  • The preview of the content of the page in the search window will show as follows: “This is just a test page. Das ist nur eine Testseite.”.


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