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Scopes & Permissions

External domains:

  • Required to send Chat Completion and Image Generation API calls to OpenAI to generate the presentation. An API key must be input for this domain to be called.


These are the scopes defined for our app. Please note that their representation in the “Allow Access” dialog can differ.

  • storage:app: Required to store the OpenAI API key. OpenAI API key is stored as a secret object.

  • read:sprint:jira-software: Required to get sprints and sprint details

  • read:issue-details:jira: Required to get issue details to use for presentation

  • read:jql:jira: Required to perform JQL search for issues and sprints

  • read:jira-work: Required to get Jira project and issue data

  • read:issue:jira-software: Required to get issues from selected sprint

  • read:board-scope:jira-software: Required to get boards in project

  • read:board-scope.admin:jira-software: Required to get board estimation configuration

  • read:project:jira: Required to get project key the app is used on

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