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Track the Progress of Your Migration

Track the Progress of Macro Migration Across Your Cloud Site

You can only track the progress of your macro migration across pages you can view. Learn how to get view permissions for a page.

The Macro Migration Assistant contains an overview table that can help you track the progress of your macro migration. This overview table displays a list of all migrated pages you can view on your Cloud site that contain or used to contain legacy Table Enhancer macros. For each listed page the following information is shown:


Track your migration progress.

Page Name

Name of the page

Space Name

Name of the Confluence space the page belongs to

Editor Status

Displays whether the page uses the legacy editor or the new editor

  • (error) : The page is still using the legacy editor

  • (tick) : The page is already using the new editor

Migration Status

Displays the migration status of the page

  • (error) : This page is using a legacy Table Enhancer macro and needs to be migrated.

  • (tick) : This page was successfully migrated by the Macro Migration Assistant.

  • :person_with_tick: : The legacy Table Enhancer macros on this page were manually migrated or removed.

  • (warning) : The last time an auto-migration was triggered for this page the Migration Assistant detected legacy Table Enhancer macros that broke when the page was converted to the new editor. Learn how to resolve this issue.

  • :error-icon: : The last auto-migration attempt for this page failed due to an internal error. Please try again after some time has passed or consult the logs for more information. If the problem persists, please open a ticket at our Service Desk.

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