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Tag Cloud Configuration - Visualization Parameters

Visualization Parameters

(storage name)



Truncate tags after # characters



Defines the number of characters after a word is truncated and appended "...". Hovering the mouse over the tag shows the full tag name in a tooltip.

Allowed values: integer

Example: 20

Tag size scaling



Scaling algorithms are used to determine the font size (rank class) of each tag, depending on its absolute frequency and the given frequency distribution. Different scaling algorithms try to account for various frequency distributions, e.g. equally distributed frequencies, long-tail distributed frequencies.  

  • linear: Shows the most realistic rendering of the frequency distribution. Often leads to large gaps in rank classes (many low rank classes, few high rank classes) with common tag frequency distributions.

  • quadratic: Tries to accommodate for the rank classes gap by redistributing the tag frequencies on the rank classes.

  • logarithmic: Similar to quadratic, but compresses the frequencies even more.

Tag sorting



Choose how the tags in the cloud are sorted:

  • by name: Tags are sorted in alphabetical order.

  • by rank: Tags are sorted by absolute occurrence in descending order, starting with the most frequent tag.

  • circular: The most frequent tag is displayed in the center of the cloud, while all other tags are arranged around this tag in descending order.




Format for rendering the tag cloud.

  • cloud: Classic tag cloud rendering, tags are displayed as normal text. Content is loaded asynchronously via an AJAX call to minimize Page load time.

  • cloudStatic: Same layout / style as 'cloud', but content is retrieved and rendered synchronously (before the Page is returned to the browser). This was the default rendering in v2.0 and earlier.

  • cumulusCanvas: Animated 3D tag cloud, tags are placed on a rotating sphere.

  • wordcloud: Fancy 2D tag cloud rendering



100% for format 'cloud', 'cloudStatic', 'wordcloud'

400px for formats 'cumulusCanvas'

Width of the tag cloud area in pixel.

Example: 300



undefined (depends on displayed tags) for format 'cloud', 'cloudStatic'

400px for format 'cumulusCanvas', 'wordcloud'

Height of the tag cloud area in pixel.

Example: 300

Minimum font size / Maximum font size

(fontMinSize / fontMaxSize)

9px / 25px

Defines a minimum and maximum value for the font size, which is used to scale the tags.

Example: 12 | 30

Default tag color / Second tag color / Mouseover color / Rotation-Speed

(cumulusTColor / cumulusHiColor / cumulusTSpeed)

#001E3D / #990000 / 100

Only for format=cumulusCanvas:

Colors and rotation speed of cumulus

Rotate ratio



Only for format=wordcloud:

Probability for the tag to rotate.

Allowed values: float in the rage from 0 to 1. Set to 0 for no rotation (i.e. all tags are oriented horizontally), set to 1 to always rotate.




Only for format=wordcloud:

The shape of the "cloud" to draw. Choose from:

  • circle

  • cardioid (apple or heart shape curve)

  • diamond

  • pentagon

  • star

  • triangle-forward

  • triangle-upright

For appealing results with shapes, please try out different settings for fontMaxSize, truncate, maxResults, wordcloudRotateRatio and width/height. Rendering is known to be unclean for large fonts and long words.

Better results can be achieved using Mask Images (see below).

Mask image page



Only for format “wordcloud”:

Page the mask image is attached to. Leave blank to use the page where the Tag Cloud macro is inserted.

To be used in combination with parameter "Mask image attachment".

Mask image attachment



Only for format “wordcloud”:

Attachment file name on the page defined in parameter "Mask image page".

If set, the words are rendered within the mask image shape.

For best results, use a unicolored image where the "shape" has a dark color and the "background" has a bright color or is transparent.

Example: paceKey:Page Title | mask.png

Mask image fill color


(none / transparent)

Only for format=wordcloud:

Format #RRGGBB. If set, the mask image is visible as background image. Leave blank to keep the mask image invisible.

To be used in combination with parameter "Mask image attachment".

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