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Survey toolbox

The toolbox offers a variety of question types, such as Checkbox, Rating or Boolean. Most options are self-explanatory. In the “Properties” menu on the right-hand side, the questions can be customized.

This page lists all currently supported question types.

Single input

It is possible to define a specific input type.


Multiple choice. Press the “+” button below to add further answers.

Radio group

Single choice. Adding a clear button for resetting the answers is possible under “Choices”.


Single choice. Useful for large lists of choices.


Enter multiple lines of text.


Rate from minimum to maximum in rate steps. Decimal numbers such as 0.5 are allowed.

It is possible to define custom values. You can also add a minimum and maximum rate description:

Image picker

You can upload them up or browse.

By default, the user can only pick one image. Multiple choice is possible if defined in the “General” section.


Possible answer is just true or false.


An object like an Excel table. The user can check only one time per row.

Renaming rows and columns is possible in the “Properties” section.

Multiple text

Like single input, but more fields to answer. You can decide how many text fields are in one row in the “Properties” under “Column count”.


Here you can group other tools.

Panel (dynamic panels)

A model for a panel dynamic question. You set up the template panel, by adding elements (any question or a panel) and assigning a text to its title.

This panel will be used as a template on creating dynamic panels. The number of panels is defined by the “ Panel Count” property. An end-user may dynamically add/remove panels (unless you forbade it).

For more information on how the different questions type appear in the export of results, please visit Export responses of a survey.

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