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Designer layout

The best way for survey managers to create or edit a survey is using the “Designer“ tab in the Survey Creator. Here you can visually assemble your survey using the Question toolbox (1) and adapt the questions to your use-case either by editing the visible attributes in the middle or by changing them in the Question properties (2).

Question toolbox

A survey manager can choose between a number of different question types from the question toolbox. These questions can be added to the survey by simply dragging them inside the survey creator dashboard.

Currently the survey designer supports the following question types:

  • Single input

  • Checkbox

  • Radio group

  • Dropdown

  • Comment

  • Rating

  • Image picker

  • Boolean

  • Matrix (single choice)

Question properties

A survey manager can select questions within the survey and configure their individual properties.

General properties
  • Change title

  • Change description


  • Change the default language AVAILABLE IN ADVANCED MODE

  • Change the width mode AVAILABLE IN ADVANCED MODE


Question properties
  • Change title location

  • Change description location

  • Show question numbers

  • Change title pattern

  • Change start index (1, 2 or ‘A’, ‘a’)

  • Change error location

  • Focus first question on changing the page

  • Change element order on the page

  • Specify max text length

  • Specify max others length

  • Toggle auto grow comment

Page properties
  • Change name and title

  • Toggle show page titles

  • Toggle show page numbers

Logic properties
  • Add calculated values

  • Add logic triggers

Validation properties
  • Toggle to focus on first error

  • Select errors mode

Show on completed properties
  • Specify URL to navigate to once finished

  • Additionally there is an option to add a condition to navigate to the previously specified URL

  • Toggle to show the completed page at the end


A survey manager can organize the survey into pages, which will then be shown to the user after each other. Make use of this if you have big surveys, to split your questions into different subject areas.

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