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Auto-migration of Survey macros

Auto-migration of Survey macros allows you to automatically migrate your legacy Survey macros when a page is updated. This feature saves manual effort that would otherwise be required by using the Macro Migration Assistant for Survey.


  • Automatic macro Migration on page update only works across pages for which the Multivote & Enterprise Survey for Confluence app user has the appropriate space level and page level permissions. Learn how to supply the app user with the necessary permissions.

  • As an admin, in the Space settings/Convert pages, you can enable Convert pages automatically. ​(warning)This will not convert Survey macros automatically. You will have to use the Survey migration assistant instead.

Please keep in mind, that the auto-migration is enabled by default. It can be disabled by admins on the macro assistant page (navigate to Settings/Apps/Multivote & Enterprise Survey/Macro Migration Assistant).

Screenshot from 2024-12-05 17-00-36.png

Screenshot of the auto-migration feature toggle

How it works

With the setting enabled, any update of a Confluence page using the new editor will trigger an automatic migration of all surveys located on that page. The Macro Migration Assistant will scan the page for legacy Survey macros and automatically issue a secondary page update to migrate them if necessary. This secondary page update is issued by the Multivote & Enterprise Survey for Confluence app user and will show up in the page history accordingly.

Screenshot from 2024-12-04 16-13-44.png

Page history after the auto-migration

Confluence will notify you that a new version of the page has been published once the secondary page update has been completed.

Screenshot from 2024-12-04 17-03-44.png

Notification of successful Survey macro auto-migration


Please visit our trouble-shooting page to learn about potential problems which might occure during macro migration.

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