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Get an overview of the Surveys you manage

The Manage Surveys overview page displays a list of all Surveys for which you have manage permissions. Confluence Administrators can access all Surveys of the instance, see Survey Administration. You can access the page from your user profile under Manage Surveys.

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Get an overview of all the Surveys you manage.

From the overview page, you can:

  • Access and edit individual Surveys by clicking on their title.

  • View key information about the Surveys you manage including Survey mode, anonymity and most recent response time.

  • Navigate to Confluence pages containing a given Survey via linked pages. Note that only pages you can view are listed here.

  • Delete Surveys by clicking on the trash-can icon.

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Edit Surveys directly form the overview page by clicking on their title.

Delete Survey data

Only deleting a Survey macro or the page containing it does not delete all associated Survey data.

Once a Survey has been transitioned to archived, you can permanently deleted all associated data via the Manage Surveys overview by clicking on the trash-can icon. Simply deleting a Survey macro or the page containing it does not delete the associated data and instead produces an orphaned Survey.

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Click on the trash-can icon to delete an archived Survey.

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Deleting a Survey permanently removes all associated data.

Access orphaned Surveys

Survey data is not stored directly on the page containing the Survey macro. As a consequence, a Survey still continues to exist even if it is not displayed on any page of your instance. Such orphaned Surveys are also listed on the Manage Surveys overview page.

If there are no linked pages listed for a Survey on the overview page, either the Survey is orphaned or you have insufficient permissions to view the pages containing the Survey.

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Orphaned Surveys can only be accessed via the overview page.

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