Add options to a Multivote
Add a Entry to Multivote
You need edit permissions on the page the Multivote macro is displayed to be able to perform this operation.
Open a page containing a Multivote macro.
Click the “Edit” button in the top-right corner of the Multivote macro.
You are now in the edit mode of the Multivote.
At the bottom you can see a textfield allowing you to enter a new option. Type the new option into this field.
Press “enter” or click the “+” icon next to the textfield. This will add the new option to the bottom of the Multivote.

Click the “Save” button in the top-right corner of the Multivote macro.
Congratulations! 🎉 You have successfully added your first option to a Multivote.
While you are in the edit mode, you can undo your last performed action(s) using the undo button or the ctrl + Z
keyboard shortcut (Command + z