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Survey migration trouble-shooting

Survey data is not migrated shown on page


If the legacy to cloud macro migration is shown as successful ((tick)) in the Survey Migration Assistant (step 3), but on the page you see ‘the survey data is not migrated’, this means there has been an error during data migration in step 1. Please check the logs of step 1 on the server/DC side and retry the app data migration.

Survey too large


If the survey (without responses) is larger than 240 kB, it cannot be migrated to the cloud, since it is saved in forge storage and therefore its limits apply. This will be indicated by a banner on the migrated page, and also shown warnings in the pre-migration checks in Server. In order to solve this, you have to reduce the survey definition size before migration e.g. by using links to images instead of images themselves, and then re-migrate.

Nested surveys


If the survey is nested into two or more macros on the server/DC side, you will see an error banner on the page after macro migration. Additionally, the Macro Migration Assistant for Survey will show you a warning ((warning) ). In order to fix this problem, you first need to

  1. revert to a page version using the legacy editor

  2. unnest the survey

  3. convert the page to use the legacy editor

  4. convert the macro using the survey macro migration assistant

Timed-out data migration


The data migration is shown as ‘Timed-out’ in step 1 of the migration process. This might only be due to the migration taking longer than 15 minutes. Please revise the migration logs carefully. If the app data migration was successful, the last log message should contain “App migration settled by Cloud app with status SUCCESS, percent 100 and message : All events processed successfully for transferId: ”. If you need help, please open a support request.

Manually migrate the definition of a single survey

In the case you want to migrate only a single survey, you can do this manually. This will only migrate the definition of a survey, no responses will be migrated!

On server, open the survey and toggle “Advanced Settings” to “on”. You can then select the “JSON” tab and download the JSON of the survey definition. On cloud, create a new survey. Open this new survey, toggle again the “Advanced Settings” to “on” - and paste the JSON into the JSON tab.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.